Best WordPress Pinterest Plugins

WordPress pinterest plugins

Pinterest – a social network that allows you to share images and videos , placing them on “boards” by interests. Share found on the network with the help of special buttons “Pinterest Bookmarklet” or “Pin It” button, similar to the usual Facebook or Twitter buttons. For this review, we have selected some WordPress pinterest plugins that will allow posting on Pinterest messages, photos or videos. There are pinterest plugin WordPress widgets, buttons, counters, galleries and others.

WordPress Pinterest Plugins

Pretty Pinterest Pins

The first in our review is Pretty Pinterest Pins . This WordPress pinterest plugins displays thumbnails of your pins in the sidebar. The collection for the Pinterest interface and looks very attractive.

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Pinterest Pin it Button on Image Hover Post

Using the Pinterest Pin It Button On Image Hover Post, you can add blog posts , pages or photos to the Pinterest boards in one click . The management is quite simple – just install this pinterest plugin WordPress, activate it and control the visibility of the “Pin It” button in the message or when you hover over the image.

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Pinterest Pinboard Widget

This WordPress pinterest plugins adds pin thumbnails from your Pinterest account to the WordPress sidebar of the blog or to any place on the page with a shortcode. To improve performance and reduce traffic, images are cached and updated every 15 minutes.

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Pinterest RSS Widget

Using the Pinterest RSS Widget, you can place a widget in the sidebar that displays the latest changes in the RSS feed of your account on Pinterest. It is possible to control the display of the description, the size of thumbnails and the button “Follow Me On Pinterest”.

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Add Pinterest Follow Button

A very simple but attractive WordPress pinterest plugins that allows you to attract the maximum number of followers to your Pinterest account. The plugin allows:

  • Place on the pages or in messages the button Pinterest Follow
  • Customize button size
  • Create different buttons for different accounts in Pinterest

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Pinterest Automatic Pin

Pinterest Automatic Pin Plugin automatically detects all images in the message and displays them in a list in which you can select the ones you want to publish in Pinterest. This WordPress pinterest plugins works with all messages, not just those that were published after it was installed.

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Easy Pinterest

This WordPress pinterest plugins adds to the site a widget with a width of 300 pixels, in which the RSS-tape Pinterest is displayed , which allows to display images from the selected Pinterest account. In the settings, you can specify the number of images and the title of the widget.

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Pinterest Image Pin

Subscribers to your blog will be able to copy your favorite images on their Pinterest boards with a single button . The button is automatically add under each image in the message. You can choose one of three options for the appearance. In addition to it there is a button “Follow me in Pinterest”, which appears at the bottom of the page and will increase the number of your subscribers in the mentioned social network.

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Pin it on Pinterest

An exceptionally simple and intuitive tool – simply adds a “Pin It” button that saves the selected image in the visitor’s Pinterest account. You can specify a description of the default image, which the user, however, can change at his discretion.

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Pinterest for Galleries

Pinterest for Galleries does not just add the “Pin It” button to the blog post, but does it under each image in the default WordPress gallery. However, its performance must be checked beforehand – it does not work with the NextGen gallery and may not work with others (this will depend on the theme used and other plug-ins).

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Responsive Pinterest Grid Gallery

Despite the fact that is this WordPress pinterest plugins does not actually work with Pinterest. We added it to our review cause it creates an adaptive gallery of images in the Pinterest tile style on the site page or in a blog post . Supported categories and each image can simultaneously belong to several of them. Images  load in batch mode, and thumbnails are create automatically for large images.

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Pinterest Block

This is the most unusual WordPress pinterest plugins, about which we spoke at the beginning. Unlike the others, it just the opposite prevents integration with Pinterest – blocks the addition of a blog or page message to the board . This is achieved by adding the tag /> to the page title. In this WordPress pinterest plugins settings panel you can specify which pages or messages should be blocked.

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Pinterest Auto Pin for WordPress

Pinterest Auto Pin for WordPress allows you to quickly and easily add a “Pin It” button and a hover-effect to any image in WordPress . It works with large and small images (even scaled), uploaded to the site or inserted using a link. You can diversify the behavior of the plug-in using one of the 4 built-in hover effects.

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