Best Ways To Use Affiliate Links

Use Affiliate links

Do you want to make more money to use affiliate links? Here are best and effective ways to use affiliate links on your website.

With affiliate marketing you promote products from others, in exchange for a small percentage of the proceeds. The best-known way to use affiliate marketing is to process the links in your blog articles. But there are also a number of other ways to make money with affiliate marketing. Here are best and effective ways to use affiliate links.

TIP: If you are not really familiar with affiliate marketing, we recommend first reading our article of Affiliate marketing.

Use Affiliate Links

1. Write A Review

When you have bought a product that you are extremely enthusiastic about it, you can earn it back in no time by writing a review about it. For example, if you have bought it from then you can refer your visitors to the product via an affiliate link. When they buy the product (or another product on that site), you get a percentage of the amount they have spent. You can do this with themes, plugins, clothing and facial care, but also with books, insurances and hotels.

2. Write A Tutorial

If you know a lot about something, you could make a tutorial and then link in the text to the products you used – of course via affiliate links.

3. Write A Article On The Tools You Use

People are often curious about the products and tools that others use, so it’s smart to do something with them on your blog, especially if it can also give you money. If you have a cooking blog, you could write an article in which you put all your cookware on a row with affiliate links. When you take a photo, you can process all the equipment you use in a blog post, including affiliate links to the stores that offer it. As a travel blogger you could write an article with all (affiliate) websites that you use to plan your trips cheaply.

4. Make A Page With Deals

Sometimes affiliate programs give discount codes that you as an affiliate can pass on to your visitors.

5. Turn The Link Into Your Call To Action

When you have written an article about a certain product that has brought you a lot of success or about the store where you found the dress of your dreams. You can place an affiliate link in the form of a call to action at the end of your article. For example: “Do you want so much success? Buy this product now … “or” Do you want a beautiful dress? This amazing outfit can be bought from here … “.

6. Place Affiliate Ads On Your Website

You do not always have to write an article to use affiliate links; you can also put them in your sidebar, for example. In Photoshop or other, create an ad with a product that fits your blog and then put it with an affiliate link in your sidebar or footer. When your visitors click on the ad and then buy something, you get money for it. With many campaigns you can also download ready-to-use advertisements, so if you find it too much work to create it yourself, you can also put those images with an affiliate link on your website. Use affiliate marketing.

7. Take The Links In An eBook

When you have written an eBook and you deal with certain products or websites, you can refer to it by means of an affiliate link. That way you can give away your eBooks for free and still make money.

8. Process The Links In Your Newsleter

If you send a newsletter regularly, you can also process affiliate links there. You can do that in the text, but also the possible images. Make sure that it is not a newsletter full of spam my affiliate links and that the products you promote are also really relevant to your target group.

9. Use Affiliate Links On Social Media

If you have many followers on social media, you can also use affiliate marketing there. Share for example every month your favorite product of that moment. Tell that a certain website now has 40% discount or tell about that one book that has changed your life – of course, all including affiliate link. First, find out which programs you can promote on social media; this is not always allowed. Affiliate Marketing.

We use affiliate links on Facebook. Its make every month a good amount without our time and effort.
