15 Important Things for Applying Google AdSense Program

google adsense program

Are you ready to Applying for Google AdSense Program? This article is for you. This will takes couple of minutes so stay tight.

What is AdSense and what is it for?

Google AdSense is one of the oldest advertising platforms working under the scheme “pay per click” (Pay Per Click, PPC). In fact, every Google Blogspot user automatically became an AdSense user.

Google AdSense has thousands of satisfied customers. It always pays on time.

Another reason for choosing Google AdSense is the possibility of large earnings, if you work with it correctly. There are many bloggers who earn their living by their sites and AdSense.

Since Google AdSense is the flagship in online advertising and other sites are copying its innovations, AdSense has introduced strict conditions for registration. For each error, your site will be denied registration.

The possible reasons for the refusal are listed below.

Why Google AdSense disapprove applications?

  1. Insufficient content or inappropriate content on the site, not enough text for analysis.  Google pays a lot of attention to the content of the site before registering for AdSense. If there are a lot of mistakes in the text, the site will not be registered. In addition to the absence of grammatical errors, the content should be unique and have value for visitors to your site.
  2. Poor website design.  What would you do if you were on a site with a bright yellow background, white text and a lot of buttons randomly scattered across the page? You will leave him immediately. Sites with poor design are poorly perceived by visitors and do not register with AdSense.
  3. The lack of a page describing the privacy policy, the description of the site (“About Us”) and contact information.  These pages should be present on your site before you begin the registration process.
  4. The site does not meet Google ‘s guidelines.  Absence of unique semantic content, search traffic, poor usability of the site. Also denied registration of sites that attract content from illegal sources, sites with an excessive number of keywords or with a poor-quality code.

So, what should you do to have your site registered with AdSense?

15 Things you should check before Applying Google AdSense Program

  1. Privacy Policy

One of the common mistakes that each blogger makes is the absence of a page describing the privacy policy. Although there are people who believe that such a page for a blog is not needed, they are mistaken.

The first thing to do before submitting an application for registration in AdSense is the creation of such a page. No privacy policy – no registration. Why is it so important? Because the privacy policy means that you are not an Internet scammer and gives visitors a sense of trust in your site. Other parameters will be checked only if there is such a page on your site.

Privacy policy actually tells visitors what they will get on your site, what they can do, and what not to do. So, there is nothing wrong with having such a page. You can write the text yourself or find online privacy policy generators (you will not need a lawyer).

  1. You must create About us page before applying Google AdSense Program

Like the privacy policy page, the “About Us” page is required for registration. She describes the author or team of site authors and the site itself. The “About Us” page will not only help you establish relationships with visitors, but also increase their confidence in you.

  1. You must have Contact Us page before applying Google AdSense Program

With the fact that each person has his own opinion, you cannot argue. That which is pleasant to one visitor to your site can irritate others. It is all the more necessary to give them an opportunity to speak out and share with you their attitude towards the site.

On the contacts page place your email address and links to pages on social networks. This will show Google AdSense what you think of the visitors and are ready for a dialogue with them, not just about money.

  1. Your name and email which is connect to the website

When you send a registration request, do not forget to put your name and e-mail address in a prominent place, for example, on the page “About Us” or “Contacts.” This will be a confirmation that the person submitting the registration request and the author of the site are the same person.

  1. Check You are must 18+ before applying AdSense Program

This error is often committed by young webmasters who have not reached the age of 18: they write the wrong age to register, but they are denied. Google AdSense for those who are over 18 years old.

  1. Your website should be 6 months old before applying Google AdSense Program

Don’t apply Google AdSense Program so fast after registering a website. Give it time, design it, add quality posts. Let engage some visitors. Wait minimum 6 months after register a new domain.

  1. You must fulfill Minimum number of publications before applying Google AdSense program

On this occasion, there is no clear answer. There were cases when sites with half a thousand publications were denied registration, while sites with 40-50 publications successfully registered and earned money.

Presumably, the site should have more than 50 unique publications, each with a volume of more than 500 words.

  1. Your website design should be good and meet the criteria

As mentioned above, the design of the site is very important. It must be professional. The importance of design goes right after the content and represents your experience, skills and professionalism. So be careful with the design, since any error can be worth registering. One solution to this problem is the purchase of professional design for the site.

  1. Your website content should meet the Google’s criteria

Be careful with the type of content being posted. Google AdSense does not register pornographic sites dedicated to drugs and illegal items.

Also reduce the chances of registering a publication site, shorter than 300 words.

  1. Creating Valuable Contents

Google loves sites that create valuable content for its visitors. Be sincere with visitors to your site and do not try to obsessively sell them anything.

Do not complain that you cannot earn money on the site, and do not say that you created the site solely for the purpose of earning.

  1. The top-level domain name

Those days when Google AdSense registered sites on Blogspot.com and WordPress.com were sunk into oblivion. Today your website should have a unique top-level domain name, preferably .com.

Also important is the age of the site – over 6 months.

  1. Remove Other advertising platforms before applying Google AdSense program

If you have an advertisement on other sites on your site, it’s time to abandon it. Although Google AdSense allows you to place advertisements of other sites, it is better to remove them from the site before applying for registration, and do not return until a positive decision.

  1. Never use Paid traffic before applying Google AdSense Program

Google hates sites that buy traffic, and punishes them, not allowing them to register. You can attract traffic from search engines or in some other way, but if you want to earn with Google AdSense, paid traffic will not help. Also, AdSense does not accept sites with traffic from illegal sources.

  1. Strictly Avoid copy content from other websites

If you copy content from other websites, you should remove them immediately. Google strictly disallow copy content. Write your own unique content before applying Google AdSense Program.

  1. Avoid Self-Click Methods before Applying Google AdSense Program

Google pays though PPC (Pay Per Click) methods. Its mean when someone click on yours advertise, you get paid. If you think you will click on your ads and get pay for that, its time to change your mind. Because google will track you. Your phone, your email, your all devices are connected with Google. You cannot apply any tricks.

What should I do if my site is denied registration?

If you did everything described in the article, but your site is not registered in Google AdSense, do not despair! There are other advertising platforms, as well as other ways of earning without Google AdSense. We will discuss about it later.
