10+ Premium Framework WordPress Themes

framework WordPress themes

Recently, the leading developers of framework WordPress themes prefer to allocate a certain set of functions to a separate framework, which is used as a basis for further development. Some developers “hide” this framework in the depths of the topic and most users do not even guess about its existence. Others distinguish it in a separate product, which can be used to build the theme “from scratch .

Today we will review the most popular and widely use framework WordPress themes.

Framework WordPress themes


framework WordPress themes

This framework WordPress themes deserves the first place in our review. It is very popular due to well- optimized code , security, flexibility and SEO optimization . Plus, this gives you complete freedom in choosing a theme – you can use the development of StudioPress, third-party developers or your own.

As for the price / quality ratio, then Genesis is at its best – not so many frameworks can boast of such functions for more than a moderate fee. In addition, the product is constantly evolving and has a large community of active developers who can receive detailed advice on any issue.

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framework WordPress themes

Themify is another wonderful framework WordPress themes. That is integrated into the theme itself and allows the user to fully control the theme settings without resorting to writing code or directly editing the template. It provides the ability to change the layout, add and customize various elements and modules – sliders, galleries , tabs and maps . It is possible to add widgets related to other plugins that are install on the site. And all this with the help of drag-and-drop editor .

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framework WordPress themes

Woothemes is a popular framework WordPress themes , closely related to the e-commerce system WooCommerce .So, Virtually all WooCommerce themes are created on the basis of this framework.

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Elegant Themes

framework WordPress themes

It is unlikely that there will be a person using WordPress and not hearing about Elegant Themes. Developments of this team are use on a huge number of sites around the world. You can access more than 85 first-class topics, an ever-growing library of plug-ins and a friendly tech support forum where solving any problem takes hours.

Unlike other frameworks there is no direct access to the framework itself. It is impossible to create a theme “from scratch” – you will have to take as a basis one of the themes to create your own. However, do not consider this as a disadvantage – you get many useful functions that work out of the box and the ability to easily create various child themes.

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framework WordPress themes

This framework WordPress themes was create by the WPZoom command and is now use in all of their WordPress templates. The WPZoom templates feature a stylish appearance, multiple settings, SEO optimization and automatic updating.

So,The framework contains a number of shortcodes that allow you to easily add various elements to the page. Such as buttons, tabs, containers, columns, and others.

In addition to this, the WPZoom team has developed several plugins, which, naturally, perfectly work with this framework. Among them, a visual site builder using drag-and-drop technology .

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framework WordPress themes

Despite the fact that Thesis is not as popular as, say, Genesis, it is still widely known in the WordPress community primarily due to its extremely effective SEO optimization .

So,The framework supports skins that can be customize with the help of a visual editor .

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framework WordPress themes

All WordPress themes from the frogsthemes command use the Options Framework , which, in fact, provides all their power and functionality. By purchasing the themes of this developer, you get lifetime free updates.

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framework WordPress themes

Headway Framework is the designer’s dream. With it, you can very easily customize even the smallest elements of the design and allows you to design the grid of the site as you wish.
The framework is implement in HTML5 and CSS3 . Another nice feature is the support of WooCommerce .

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