How to Optimize WordPress Website

Optimize WordPress Website

How to Optimize WordPress Website

How to Optimize WordPress Website Optimize WordPress Website is the common phrase for every WordPress users. Do you have a blog? Do you like expressing your ideas, generating debates and communicating with people? If you use WordPress as a platform, today we will talk about how to make your blog more attractive. In this article, we’ll show you how to optimize your WordPress themes in your blog by following some tips below. Ready for the tips?

With Google and other search engines worrying more and more about the response time of websites and blogs, it is very important that you make your WordPress site lighter and, above all, faster. How to Optimize WordPress Website There are many WordPress templates that unfortunately are not optimized for search engines, but more important than optimizing your template is that you optimize your WordPress installation so that your site loads your posts faster and produces more interesting and attractive results.

Although WordPress is currently the most used blogging platform in the world, it is a fact that WordPress has a hard time dealing with memory consumption. How to Optimize WordPress Website If your site receives a fair amount of visitors, your hosting server will find it difficult to handle such memory consumption, and it is essential to try to combat this problem to make your site lighter and faster. These optimization tips reduce about 90% of your speed problems on your site.


Tips to Optimize WordPress Website

Table of Contents:

  1. Install a Cache Plugins.
  2. Remove some plugins and widgets.
  3. Optimize your themes.
  4. Compress your images.
  5. Disable post review.
  6. Delete spam comments.
  7. Clean your database.
  8. Optimize your database.
  9. Use multiple servers.

Install a Cache Plugins

Do you know those special effects and unnecessary features that are just opening the page? They will leave your blog slow when the client opens the page in the browser. Until you open all this data, it may be that he gives up waiting and goes looking for the information somewhere else.

The main tip is to always use as few plugins as possible. How to Optimize WordPress Website To improve the loading speed, install a cache as it will block these resources and can resolve up to 90% of the problems on the servers. There are plugin options for you to install and manage the cache on your blog, but install only one of them. That way your system will work better, and if more than one is installed it can generate conflicts between them on your server. Among them are:

Lite-Speed web servers are a most fastest web server for WordPress Website. By adding some code to your .htaccess file your website will load more faster. If your web hosting provider provides Lite-Speed then you don’t need to add any plugins.

Check this post: How to Enable Cache Without any plugin in Lite-Speed Server

Check Also: How To Install and Configure WP Super Cache Plugin


Remove some plugins and widgets

WordPress plugins are what make this application more powerful, but the truth is that many of them make your site slower, and you should either remove them or integrate them directly into your template’s function file. How to Optimize WordPress Website Each plugin creates extra processes that your server has to solve each time a page loads, and remove them, and consequently remove those processes, can make your site much faster.

Instead of using a plugin to put your Analytics codes in the footer of your site, do it yourself manually. Instead of using a plugin to put your social media in the background of your posts, add them to your template. If you remove some unnecessary plugins, your site will certainly be faster.

widget is a component of a graphical user interface, this includes windows, buttons, menus, icons, scroll bars, and so on.

Some widgets aim to receive user data and thereby generate some kind of record, such as form controls. Here are some components that may exist:

  • Text input;
  • Selection box;
  • Selection menu;
  • Multiple choice buttons.

How to Optimize WordPress Website After you’ve made the choice for the essential widgets for your blog, take the quiz on Pagespeed. You will realize that your blog’s performance will get a better rating.

For you to understand the difference between an icon and a widget, think that an icon serves only as a shortcut to some program, while the widget has its own interface of information generated by the program it is related to. In addition, it also serves to redirect the user to a specific function within that program.


Optimize your themes/templates code

This tip is more for designers and developers who use their own sites, unlike websites that are created for clients, or even the WordPress templates that are regularly released to the market for free. Removing some PHP tags from your WordPress by old HTML code can really speed up your website. Let’s imagine the function.<? Php wp_list_pages (); ?> Each time your page loads, WordPress has to check in your database the number of pages that are stored and then inject them into your code via elements<li>.

Choosing the right template makes all the difference when thinking about optimizing your blog. In WordPress there are several, but not all of them have the best presentation for your client. Thinking about it, we’ve separated 6 tips that can help you choose your template:

Tip 1: #Design:

How to Optimize WordPress Website The cleaner and more organized the information on your blog, the more the visitor will be drawn to continue navigating within it. Basic questions can help you visualize good design like:

  • The template that does not have much lateral scrollbar;
  • Give preference for templates of no more than two columns;
  • The visitor needs to have a general idea at first glance, the key information in the foreground on the page;
  • Light and light colours in the background, so they will not overwhelm the view.

Tip 2: #Speed:

The more agile your blog is the more your client will devote time to it. How to Optimize WordPress Website Therefore, the loading time of your template is totally related to its usability. So search for those who use fewer plugins and use the widgets to make the page lighter. As a result, you will gain positions in Google’s organic rankings.

Tip 3: #Navigability:

Do you know when you are navigating within a page and it provides just about everything you are looking for? That is good seaworthiness.

Your blog needs to be as intuitive as possible without the need for your visitor to fetch the information off of your blog. This is one of the essential requirements of a good template.

Try to make menus and bookmarks prominent, whether in colour, detail, or visible links. So it will be all “by hand” and your visitor will know what you need right there.

Tip 4: #SEO:

How to Optimize WordPress Website Knowing how to use SEO techniquesSearch Engine Optimization) will also be useful for optimizing your blog. SEO is a set of techniques that has as main objective to make the sites and blogs more friendly for the search engines. How to Optimize WordPress Website It takes care of uniting the keywords of the content from within your blog so that it gets better positioned in the organic results.

Many WordPress themes already have automatic search engine optimization. Prefer this type of template for your page, so you save yourself a lot of time trying to optimize your content for SEO practices.

Tip 5: #Responsiveness:

Responsibility is nothing more than adaptations to mobile platforms. Today your visitor will not read your blog just on the computer or notebook. It uses a lot of mobile and tablet as well.

So when looking for WordPress Themes for your blog, prefer the one that already has size suitability for those other devices.

Tip 6: #Quality Content:

Nothing is worth a beautiful design, good navigation, few plugins and the use of widgets if the information content is not well produced. So, the proper WordPress theme needs to not only add value to the content you post but also create an identity for your blog. And this is totally linked to the content exposed.

Otherwise, you run the risk of having a great look on the page, but little traffic because of the low attractiveness of the proposed content.


Compress your images

How to Optimize WordPress Website The images are one of the visual mechanisms better able to attract the attention of the visitor on your page than you can imagine. However, this type of feature can be up to 3x heavier to load than a common text. To optimize WordPress website you must optimize your images first.

Thinking then the publications of your blog, below are some basic rules for not suffering from loading your page, they are:

  • Use the online tools to compress images correctly without losing quality;
  • Another option is to install the WP plugin for you to optimize optimizing the images used in your posts.
  • Don’t upload videos directly to your WordPress website. To use videos you should embed them from YouTube or others video websites. Videos will affect your load times. To optimize WordPress website don’t upload direct videos to your website.


Disable post review

Reviewing posts is important if you’re uploading a site with multiple authors, but for most people who make websites, this is an option that is never used for anything. Reviewing posts is something that can make your database quite heavy with multiple revisions of your articles, which makes your SQL files a few heavier Megabytes. To turn off this option, copy and paste the following code into your wp-config file that is at the root of your server:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );

Do not forget to also delete your old post revisions by running a SQL query through your PHPMyAdmin or similar tool:

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision";


Delete your spam comments

As with post reviews, spam comments that were hunted on your site by Akismet can take up a lot of space on your database, especially if you’ve never deleted them and have thousands on your site. In your admin panel, visit your comments section and the Spam tab, and click the Delete Spam button. Voila!


Clean your database

If your site is a few years old, How to Optimize WordPress Website your chances of having in your database a series of tables that are no longer needed are too great. Many plugins that are well developed eliminate your database tables automatically, however, there are many others that even after they have been deleted, they leave a lot of unnecessary information in your database. These tables that are not used are taking up space in your database unnecessarily, and it is very important that you delete them. The WordPress Clean Options plugin is an excellent tool that allows you to check which tables of your database your site is no longer using, giving you the possibility to delete them immediately.


Optimize your database

Database optimization will help you to optimize WordPress website. Over time your database gets disorganized and with lots of junk. How to Optimize WordPress Website As with the defragmentation of your computer’s hard drive, optimizing your database removes this junk and reorganizes your database so that it is better structured and consequently lighter. There are two methods to do this: either through a plugin or via phpmyadmin. If you have the WP-DBManager plugin installed on your site, the plugin has an integrated database optimization option and even has an extra option that allows you to make frequent optimization schedules.


Use multiple servers

Once you have reached the point where your WordPress theme is well chosen, you have performed the optimization and cleaning in the database and followed the other recommendations above and there are still events giving the error in your VPS or your dedicated server, consider renting a new server.

Using a good server to run only your databases allows your WordPress themes to use all the features you need. See how:

  1. Use the “define (‘DB_HOST’);
  2. In your wp-config.php file;
  3. Then enter the IP address where your database is. And ready!



A good WordPress theme does not require a simple choice on the WordPress platform, you just notice that there are several factors that influence a good performance of your blog. So take advantage of the above optimize wordpress website tips! If you have reached this point, enjoy and make your blog the best for your visitor.