How to Display Custom User Price WooCommerce

The diversity of businesses that are idealized with the existence of the internet is endless. Therefore, our online systems – whether they are websites or stores, must always be in constant evolution, adapting with the strategies most used at the moment to generate profit.

WooCommerce is a system for virtual stores based on WordPress and with it can be created a lot. Many types of business need to work with different levels of customers and partners. Therefore, displaying price by user type in WooCommerce is great for encouraging people to increase their levels within the business or simply to buy more, gaining greater discounts to their cart.

How to display custom user price woocommerce

Let’s say that a virtual store has customers of different levels and for each of them, a discount or a different price for products is offered. How to Display Custom User Price WooCommerce So the ideal would be to create differentiated rules and values for each type of user in your store or sales system. If you turn it on, that’s exactly what the Right Script will teach you today and in a way that does not involve any line of code. Check out!

WooCommerce Role Pricing

woocommerce custom user price

According to the type of user a customer complies with, the WooCommerce Role Pricing plugin gives you the ability to give discounts on your store prices. So you can configure by how much you want to offer your products to the different levels of customers that your e-commerce has.

For virtual stores that want to encourage shopping by working with some scoring system or affiliate system,  WooCommerce Role Pricing is one of the lightest, most practical and objective tools you can find. Choose to give discounts through fees or the full amount of the purchase and set how many different prices you want for levels of registered users.

Configuring Different Prices on WooCommerce

After installing and activating the WooCommerce Role Pricing plugin on your WP site, in WooCommerce click the Role Price Light link.

On the settings page, you can see that there are very few to do. How to Display Custom User Price WooCommerce As the first step, choose how the discount to offer different prices by type of user should be applied – per Rate or a Percentage Amount.

Rate or Amount

Choosing the Rate or Rate discount method means that the discount applied will be by percentage, that is, 15%. For Amount or Amount, you will set a fixed amount. Example: R $ 1.00.

The next step is to choose whether the discount should be shown for the regular price or the selling price.

woocommerce custom user price

Now, How to Display Custom User Price WooCommerce one of the most important steps. Do you want to offer a discount on the general price or do you want to apply a fixed price for all products? For the first case, in You have September choice  Discounts and whether a price, choose  Amount.

Setup Discount for Product Prices

In  Roles, you will specifically define the rates or values you want to apply for each type of user. Here you will see all types of users that you have created on your system – see more in User Roles, Functions and Capabilities of WordPress User.

So if you have selected that you want to apply Rate- based discounts, you need to enter the percentage that should be calculated so that each type of user has this reduction in price. For example, below I set up that I want to give 50% (0.5) discount to Publishers and 10% (0.1) for  Customers :

Now, if you want sums; closed values ( Amount ) – as R $ 2.00, are deducted from the value of each product, the configuration is already different. An example below, a discount of R $ 3.00 for  Publishers and R $ 1.00 for  Customers :

After all the configurations for discounts, displaying different prices by type of user, do not forget to save. To do this, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Display price by user role

Now is the time to test whether our rules are really correct. How to Display Custom User Price WooCommerce Check below how our settings were made according to the previous topic.

Before the Discount

My prices before the discounts were applied and before the users were logged in, would be these:

After the Amount Discount

For users of the type  Editor the discount in amount, ie, a closed value will be $ 3.00. So, my products for logged in users that belong to this  role type  will have their prices shown like this:

After the Rate Discount

For users of the type  Editor the discount with the applied rate, that is, a percentage will be 50% (0.5). Here’s how it went:


As you can see from today’s post, there are a thousand and one ways for you to build or develop a profitable business and make sales with WooCommerce. How to Display Custom User Price WooCommerce Making adjustments is necessary for any branch or type of business. Well, finding the way your niche market buys and what is interesting to your pocket is a constant, real quest!

Companies or entrepreneurs working with dot, tier, affiliate or network marketing – the WooCommerce Role Pricing plugin is a strong ally to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the work when it comes to selling products. Without any programming, you can set clear and simple rules to give discounts or offer different prices in your store, always based on the type of user or user role type of your WordPress and WooCommerce system.

To ensure secure sales, a stable and credible store – regardless of whether or not you offer price per type of user on WooCommerce, pay attention to the quality and support of your hosting, as well as security measures inside your store, is essential. So I recommend you start by reading the post How to Increase Security and Hide the Fact You Use WordPress with the Hide My WP Plugin and follow the tips that Script Sure has about hosting, certificates, performance and tools to leverage sales.

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